[RELEASES] 091024 MBC Every1 "The Secret"

>> Saturday, October 31, 2009

FileName: [DBSKnights] 091024 MBC Every1 The Secret
Size: 392 MB

Mediafire (use HJSplit to join files)

Watch Online

Korean Translator: d0ngbangl0ve Japanese Translator: aly
Typesetter: fseventh Qcer: dreammssxx Encoder: mcl0521
Raw: dopamine
Do not remove or add credits. Do not redistribute without permission.
Please comment if download.

[RELEASES] History in Japan Vol. 4 (The Making)

FileName: [DBSKnights] 091028 History in Japan Vol. 4.avi
Size: 800 MB

Mediafire Folder | .004 | .007
FIXED and NEW Mediafire Folder: Link
4Shared .004: Link

Watch Online

Translator: aly Spot translator: hajargiler Timer: fseventh Typesetter: fseventh
Qcer: mcl0521 Encoder: mcl0521 Raw: feelingtvxq and jjportia12
Do not remove or add credits. Do not redistribute without permission.
Please comment if download.

Use the sendspace link for .004 part. Mediafire won't let me upload .004 for some reason.


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